Thursday, 14 March 2013

Pills and Penis Enlargement

By  Temitayo Olatunde
For a while I seem to be getting so much scam mails advertising penis enlargement pills that do wonders in just one month. Such companies tout such pills through Spam mail; I wonder how credible such companies are when they resort to Spam as a form of advertisement. It seems due to the desire of most men to increase their sexual organ, dubious individuals set up websites to swindle unsuspecting men of their money.
But not all penis enlargement pills are sold by fraudsters neither are such pills useless in enlarging the penis. Although pills are not the only method of penile enlargement it seems to be the most popular method due to the hype created by unscrupulous companies aimed at defrauding the public, other methods include weights, pumps, patches and various kinds of ridiculous injections.

As can be seen the choices are quite varied but how exactly do each of such method work. Lets start with weights, that's just what they are weights. Weights are hung on the penis to attempt to stretch the penile tissues, but they are not efficient in providing the required results as they take quite some time to experience reasonable gains and always results in a thinner and weaker sexual organ. Next are the penis pumps, which seem to be quite popular due to pornographic magazine advertisements, although pumps can give immediate gains they tend to make the users dependent on such pumps to have an erection.
Other methods are patches and injections, which tend to be just a waste of money and time. As patches are liable to fall of the wearer's skin and although the concept behind such patches is to release the necessary ingredients required for penis enlargement directly into the blood stream, the dose tends to be varied at different times and the patches are liable to external factors affecting the placement on the skin. Penis injections which are injected into the penis is a very dangerous option as some men have endangered their health through the use of such untested chemicals injected into the blood stream.
Surgery is a method of penis enlargement that is not considered by most men, as it is expensive, painful and a waste of time. A large number of men that have had surgery have had to undergo a second surgery to correct mistakes made in the first surgery.
With all this listed methods that are definitely not safe for penis enlargement, most men would wonder if penis enlargement is actually possible. There are a few companies available that offer credible methods of penile enlargement; such methods are the use of an herbal enlargement pill and penile enlargement exercises, which have done wonders in the sex life of so many men. The confidence men acquire from a bigger "member" size is amazing, as they become better lovers.
A close look on the few quality penis enlargement pills available will reveal that they are made from herbal ingredients, which are without side effects. Such pills are cheap when compared to surgery and they are very effective in enlarging the size of a man's "sexual member" when used in combination with a quality penis enlargement exercise program.As more have discovered that the use of herbal enlargement pills and penis enlargement exercises have given a lot more benefits to their well being apart from increasing the size of their sexual organ, such benefits include: increased stamina in bed, firmer erections, healthier blood circulation to the genital area, improved libido, increased head size, powerful orgasms, increased orgasm intensity.

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